Cinquain Cat

After my last post a bleader asked me the question “Have you tried your hand at the cinquain?”.
The cinq-what?

Thanks to trusty wikipedia I learnt all about this type of poetry via Basically, the style is the creation of a Ms Adelaide Crapsey using 5 lines with accents of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 2 syllables. (And I think coming up with a haiku can be tricky!!) It seems there are lots of variations too with names like “crown”, “garland” and “butterfly” – trust writers to give them such labels.

So, always up for a literary challenge, here is today’s offering in the form of a cinquain instead of a haiku. Are you up for trying your hand at something different too? Go on, stretch yourself!
(And if you’re interested, that bleader’s blog is:

The cat lies still
As sunshine warms her fur
And makes me jealous of her pose:

© Leah Dowsett 2012


I haven’t been well this week as I caught the work team’s cold bug which resulted in lots of sleep but no voice. What a way to feel part of the group! However, even thought I am still feeling so-so today it hasn’t dampened my inner enthusiasm for Spring and the anticipation of warmer weather.  I don’t enjoy the really hot days of Summer but I do love the balmy days of this time of year, coupled with bright, beautiful sunshine that makes me smile in spite of myself. What’s your favourite time of year?

The year’s first Spring day
Pillowcases dance on line
The sunshine is soft

© Leah Dowsett 2012

Tracking sunlight

There’s something to be said for sunshine….

There is such a calmness in waking early and basking in the first rays of the sun. I see them peek over the fence and then watch as they crawl across the bed, my arm, my cheek. There is a softness to them that brings warmth but doesn’t include that fierce heat that can come through later in the day. Lying in their path in a half dozing state, especially on a weekend morning, is bliss.

In the early morn
Dappled sunlight through the trees
Rests soft on my skin

Then time ticks on and I am up and heading out and about. I love those clear days where there isn’t a cloud in the sky, it’s warm but not hot, and you can ride with the car windows down. As I move from suburban roads to driving on the freeway the wind starts ruffling my hair and the stereo volume simply has to go higher. I smile as I sing along to the music and even put my hand/arm out alongside and have it be buoyed up and down like a wave by the wind as I cruise along!

Driving in my car
Sun is perched high in the sky
And music’s played loud 

When the errands are run and I’ve shared a lazy lunch with friends it is time to head home. The late afternoon has it’s own tangible feel as the sunlight starts to fade and long shadows spread across the ground. If I am close to the beach I can’t resist watching a sunset. In stopping to appreciate my surroundings I am reminded of the importance of taking the time to notice such moments. The dazzling red and gold or muted pink and grey colours are always different, always beautiful and always leave me feeling renewed and at peace.

Lingering shadows
Lengthen with the setting sun
Soothing my spirit 

© Leah Dowsett 2012

Smiling just because…

This morning I am smiling just because…

  • I am on holidays,
  • I slept in until after 8am,
  • I had cookies for breakfast,
  • I got some snail mail yesterday and am still recalling my friend’s funny comments,
  • I can appreciate the beautiful sun streaming through my window,
  • I can hear my cat softly snoring as I type,
  • I am anticipating a delicious yum cha lunch with a gal pal,
  • I am enjoying looking at photos as I get ready to make up another photo book,
  • I have cleared out so much “stuff” during my break and feel freer for doing so,
  • I can have a nanna nap later this afternoon, and
  • I feel happy and loved.

What’s making you smile lately?

Daily adventures
Sunshine softly warms my skin
Blue sky overhead

© Leah Dowsett 2011

A perfect day

I had wonder-full day today! A lovely chat and walk in a beautiful park with a gal pal, yummy cake for brunch with my folks (sometimes you just have to eat a piece of really good cake right?!), frosty beverages with three old school friends, and some retail therapy at a local kitchenware shop. With the mild Summer weather it made for a pretty perfect day.

Do you ever have these kinds of days? Days when you cruise along from one thing to another and every part is so enjoyable? Where the sky is blue, the beer is cold and the conversation is peppered with giggles?

I have a set of quotes on my work desk that a friend bought me and one says “Remember to notice when you are happy”. Today has been that kind of day.

Warm sun on my face
Foodie treats and laughter
The comfort of friends 

© Leah Dowsett 2011